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100-year-old granny freed from Prison in Kenya

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Mike Sonko saves granny Margaret Ngima
Margaret Ngima was locked up for contempt of court


A 100-year-old granny has been bailed from jail in Kenya after her plight was highlighted in the local media prompting a national campaign to have her released from prison.

Margaret Ngima had been jailed for three months at the Embu prison last week for contempt of court after failing to raise a fine of 1,000 dollars.

Kenyan’s sympathized with the Granny with some wanting to offset the fine for her. But she was eventually released after Nairobi’s flamboyant Senator Mike Sonko paid the fine.

The great-grandmother was accused of ignoring a court order in a land dispute with another family.

The senator also sent what he described as a “rescue squad” to secure her release, after spending one week in prison.

Many Kenyans were outraged at the imprisonment of the grandmother given that many high level government official have been let  to go scot-free while they faced serious allegations of corruption.

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