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Young Kenyan strives to increase internet access in Africa

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Rama Mwenesi

A Kenyan residing in the US is helping telcos in Africa increase internet penetration in remote areas.

Rama Mwenesi, 24 is a student at the University of Michigan. He will  be attending the Global Entrepreneurship Summit expo in Nairobi as one of the entrepreneurs showcasing their innovations.

Rama Mwenesi in Nairobi, Kenya

He uses Global Systems for Mobile Communications so as to enhance the internet reach to rural areas.

Mwensi’s business extends the connectivity range for available internet providers like Safaricom, Airtel and Telcom Kenya by up to 15 miles from the main grid.

He has gained support from his University. Michigan University helped him register his innovation so that it can reach out to the entire African region.

He was awarded World Leader of the Year trophy ant his University. Because of his innovation, Mwenesi received recognition as Student of the Year  out of 40,000 students at his University.

Other than the World Leader of the Year trophy, he has won several other awards such as; STEM Africa Research Award, Michigan’s Top Innovation & Research Group Award among others.

To enable him keep up his supply, Google buys one of his systems at double the price . Mwenesi deploys his infrastructure to selected regions. In Kenya, he provides internet to a home of the less fortunate in Meru county.

He has seen his innovation reach individuals and businesses in countries such as Sierra Leone, Brazil, Zambia and more African countries.

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