Windhoek Spin City attracting Namibian women into motosports

Namibian women have started embracing the fast-growing motorsport of car spinning as more and more show interest.
Every weekend, scores of women, young and old, flock to the Windhoek Spin City, a car spinning venue in the outskirts of Namibia’s capital to watch fellow women practicing and honing their skills.
With anticipation, the crowd looks on as the spinning junkies let it rip in their ferocious BMW’s, belching out smoke, popping tires, revving engines and throwing their cars around the spinning pad.
Their hope is to one day be in the arena and get to experience the rush that comes with spinning.
One of the women who is involved in this emerging sport is Ellinor de-Kor, a banker who has been participating in the sport for over 10 years.
The mother of one is sprouting a new culture in a male-dominated sport and has taken it upon herself to train young women who are also interested in the sport.
De-Kor was introduced to the sport at a very young age by her father, who used to take her and her brother to the spinning tracks to watch him spin.
“I grew up in a family that was mad about cars especially BMWs, so since I was young I have been interested and exposed to the motoring fraternity. When I got my license at 16, my father gave me his old BMW to drive and that has been my car ever since,” she said.
Since then, she has never looked back and has since introduced her 16-year-old daughter to the sport as well.
“I am happy that the sport has become a family affair, I am pleased that my daughter is also interested and I can pass on what I know to her,” she said.

Even though the sport is considered risky and dangerous, de-Kor says spinning is her place of peace and comfort.
“I have such a passion for this sport, it actually keeps me sane especially considering how stressful my job as a banker is. I have to blow off steam somewhere.
“You must have something that makes your heart tick, spinning is that for me. Your passion can go on for a long time,” she said.
De-Kor and her daughter take part in shows which have seen them share the stage with other women involved in the sport.
Namibia, through Non-Governmental Organizations and schools, is introducing the sport to young people to prevent them from getting involved in substance abuse and drug use.
The sport is gaining momentum around the country with spinning events taking place in all the regions including the rural areas.