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United Nations Peacekeeping Chief on Mali

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The United Nations Peacekeeping chief says the crisis in Mali can only be resolved through an inclusive and viable political agreement. A peace agreement proposed by Algerian-led mediation was initiated on 1 March in Algiers by the government and the Platform, a coalition of armed groups  aligned with the government. Herve Ladsous says the international community clearly has a crucial role to play in facilitating and supporting the dialogue.

The international community must continue to support dialogue between Malian stakeholders to achieve a political solution to the crisis, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations told the Security Council this morning, calling on all parties to the conflict to seize this historic opportunity to reach a settlement.

“The crisis in Mali can only be resolved through an inclusive and viable political agreement that can be implemented,” Hervé Ladsous said at a briefing to the Council during which the Foreign Minister of Mali, Abdoulaye Diop, also spoke.

Mr. Ladsous said there is a historical opportunity currently present in Mali as the international community has shown willingness to accompanying the parties in reaching and implementing a peace agreement.

“Extremism and criminality thrive in the lack of law and order,” he said, stressing that it was critical that all parties distance themselves from violent, illicit activities. The Security Council must also emphasize that point, and he also pointed out that, since the last Council meeting on Mali, three more peacekeepers had lost their lives.

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