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Thousands of African migrants to be evacuated from Libya

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Reactions continue to pour in following the shocking revelations of slave auctions in Libya.

The latest comes from Arab league Chief Ahmed Abul Gheit, who expressed his shock and dismay to the news of the trade.

CNN last month published a video showing the slave auction going on at an undisclosed location in the North African country.

Afterwards, images and more videos have gone viral on social media, showing migrants in pitiful states.

Reports indicate that they are tortured and denied food and water by their captors, who demand ransom from their families back home.

Gheit however said he was satisfied with the investigations opened by the Libyan government to bring the perpetrators to justice.

He called on Arab countries to be more involved in countering illegal migration.

In a meeting with the European Union in Brussels on Wednesday,  Arab League members blamed European countries of not doing enough to help Libya in this ordeal.

Libya’s representative said the number of migrants through his country to Europe had dropped by 50% in the last year.

He requested the EU provide technical support and modern equipment to assist in monitoring Libya’s sea shores

In 2015, the Arab League had established a committee to fight illegal migration. The committee’s next meeting in January will be dedicated to setting up a comprehensive plan to eradicate all forms of illegal trafficking in North Africa.

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