The Road to Maiduguri: Robert Nagila investigates.
Recently our reporter Robert Nagila returned from nearly 3 weeks in Northern Nigeria. He travelled over 1000 kilometres to bring you these stories from the region.
This a map of Robert’s journey.

Here are his insights.
On the fault line between Nigeria’s Christian South and Muslim North, residents are finding ways to maintain a precarious stability.
Local chiefs in Bauchi believe that cultural ties and tradition will retain peace amongst their people. Combining traditional values with new schemes for employing the youth the authorities are optimistic about the future of their town.
Is a city of 45,000 under siege. After a string of attacks many businesses have been closed down and road blocks are spread throughout Damaturu’s streets.
Vigiliante groups are seen as a legitimate solution for desperate times. Though the groups have been involved in criminal acts and lynching they have been accepted by residents and the army as an effective defence against Boko Haram.