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Somalia enacts new media law offering much needed protection for journalists

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Somalia journalist

Mohamed Nur Sharif is a radio journalist – and a target. In June 2012, gunmen tried to shoot him in Mogadishu. Sharif survived but many of his colleagues have not been so fortunate.

Most recently two media professionals lost their lives in car explosions in the capital, others were shot by unknown gunmen. 30 journalists have been killed in Mogadishu city since 2008. Militant group Al Shabab is frequently blamed and also, rival militia.

‘We demand protection under the new law if at all such attacks take place in government controlled areas. Authorities have done a commendable job in endorsing the media bill – now – we want to see the same commitment in protecting media workers” Mohamed Nur Sharif, Journalist

This new media bill is designed to curb that state-sanctioned harassment.

“Once the Somali President has signed the bill into law – security forces will no longer arrest media professionals and keep them in detention facility without taking them to court. As the union of Somali journalists we welcome the new media bill – Somali journalists now have a law that will facilitate their work” Mohamed Ibrahim, National Union of Somali Journalists

The bill has been praised but it’s been a long time coming.


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