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Social media and all the hype in Nigeria’s Elections

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In two days’ time, Nigerians will be voting in an election that analysts say will be closely contested.

The insecurity that surrounds Nigeria largely from Boko Haram has not deterred the excitement and anxiety with which many are awaiting the elections.

Presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari
Incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan in final stages of his campaigns


There have been calls for peaceful elections with many matching on the streets of major towns wearing T-shirts with the words ‘’we want a peaceful election’’ written on them.

Professor Remi Sonaiya who is the lone female candidate in the elections has been active on Facebook using it to spread word on her manifseto

Professor Remi
Nigeria’s only female presidential candidate done with ‘cheerleading’

The long awaited elections will take place on Saturday 28th.

There are 14 candidates in this election and most of them have used different media platforms to engage young people trying to convince them that they are the right candidates for the job.

The candidates also used television and other mainstream platforms to spread the word about their ambitions and their manifestos.

But what has emerged as the best platform for campaigns has been Social media where you will not miss a single candidate making the call to be voted.

Social media is sure redefining political campaigns as they near the end.

It has been the best medium for the candidates to reach young and tech savvy voters.

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Dr Azeez Alokolodo is one tech savvy doctor has not been left behind in the campaign trail. He says ,“I believe the leaders have made a great by using social media for their campaigns. Most of the young people are ever on social media, so if they want to impact on the youths they better use a platform they related with and can access at any time and place.”

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For one Aladesanmi Adeolu a university student, social media is medium that assists his school work,  “I use social media mainly for my school research, to reach out to my friends and mostly for information and development of any news. I think it is the best platform to receive news updates at whatever time and place as long as I have my data. “

Twitter has been leading the way for the politicians and the voters Some of them using hash tags to press for  peace. Some of them include:

  1. #FreeAndFairElections

The hash tag mainly focuses on have democratic elections where no rigging should be tolerated.

  1. #KeepNigeriaOne

The hash tag is calling upon Nigerians to exercise peaceful elections not forgetting that elections shall come to pass and Nigeria will remain as one.

  1. #WhyIvoteBuhari

This hash tag is for Buhari’s supporters. It basically explains why his funs prefer him to incumbent presiodent Goodluck Jonathan.

In Lagos, most of the residents are stock piling food and others travelling to their hometowns ahead of the elections. The NUJ has set the 27th March as a peaceful day. This is mainly meant to sensitize all the citizens to conduct peaceful elections.

On the eve of the elections at 11.59pm all media platforms are meant to stop any sort of promotion of political campaigns.

On the day of elections; 28th March, the Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba has ordered the restriction of vehicle movement across the federation as from 8 am to 5pm.

Voters are required to arrive at the polling stations at 8.30 am to have their accreditation then begin voting at 1.00pm. The polling stations will be closed once everyone has cast their vote.

By Marie Claire Munyana

CCVTV Africa

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