Sierra Leone’s move to repeal libel law draws praise from journalism groups
The Sierra Leone Parliament has unanimously repealed on 23 July its criminal libel law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) to celebrate a great victory for freedom of expression and press freedom.
Parliamentarians unanimously approved on 23 July the Independent Media Commission (IMC) Act 2020 and repealed the 1965 Public Order Act (POA) that criminalized libel and sedition.
In a statement celebrating the repeal of the libel law, SLAJ said the biggest beneficiary of the repeal of the law is Sierra Leone.
“Our beloved country has now joined the enviable community of progressive nations where free and responsible speech is guaranteed and protected by law. This is a huge milestone for freedom of expression and democracy in Sierra Leone.”
IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger, said that the repeal of the derogatory law would grant journalists more freedom to carry out their professional duties, which will enhance quality journalism.