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Rwanda to eject street vendors from Kigali in bid to make it even cleaner

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Rwanda already boasts of having one of the cleanest urban centres in Africa, its capital Kigali.

Authorities in the East African country are not done yet however. They are pushing for the riddance of thousands of street hawkers from the capital, asking them to form registered co-operatives or find formal work.

“Kigali’s target is to be a clean city so these street vendors are an impediment to cleanliness,” Reuters reports Mayor Monique Mukaruliza as saying.

Rwanda already has a ban in place against the use of plastic bags and as such, cleaning the streets of Kigali is much easier.

The capital and its lush green surrounds are free from ragged bits of plastic fluttering on fences or clogging drains. Workers can often be seen trimming grass verges along the well-swept roads of Kigali, a city of about 1.1 million people.

The thousands of hawkers however oppose this plan as it would deny them their daily incomes.

They still sell their merchandise to passers-by and motorists to earn themselves a living for.

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