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Kenyan police foil terror plot, arrest two linked to Islamic state

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Kenyan police say they have arrested two people linked to the Islamic State, who were planning to launch an attack, in the process seizing bomb-manufacturing materials.

Kenya has for long now been a target for Islamist terrorist’s attacks, with hundreds of Kenyans killed in attacks carried out by Somalia-based terror group al-Shabaab.

The two men were arrested on Tuesday in a suburb of the capital Nairobi, and police said they were planning a retaliatory attack for the arrest of the Islamic State planner Mohamed Abdi Ali earlier this month.

“The arrest of the two has foiled terror attacks with explosives and other weapons that were planned for Nairobi and Mombasa,” the police service said in a statement.

In one house in the Kangemi neighborhood to the west of Nairobi, police found materials that were to be used for the manufacture of an improvised explosive device.

“These materials included nails, ball bearings, batteries, electrical wire, fertilizer, cell phones and other explosive substances which have been taken for forensic analysis,” the police said.

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