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Kagame critic due to go on trial for ‘insurrection’

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A woman who tried to challenge Paul Kagame in Rwanda’s presidential elections last year, Diane Rwigara, is due to go on trial today.

Diane Rwigara (centre), a prominent critic of Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, is escorted by police officers to the court room [Photo – AP]
She faces charges of inciting insurrection and has already spent a year in prison. Her mother is also on trial.

They say the charges are politically motivated.

Ms Rwigara was barred from running in last year’s presidential election, which Mr Kagame won with nearly 99% of the vote.

Her father, who died in 2015, was businessman Assinapol Rwigara, a former supporter of Mr Kagame.

The family claims he was killed by the Rwandan authorities – something officials deny.

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