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Indonesia urged to stop virginity tests on military female recruits

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Human rights activists have urged Indonesia to stop virginity tests on women recruited for the military.

The test was describe as “discriminatory and a invasive act”.
The military insisted that the practice was necessary to make sure the women are not naughty. Further insisting that it was part of health check requirements for potential new recruits and they would continue the test.
Human Rights watch said the examination which is carried out through a two-finger test by medics to find out wether the hymen is intact, are a form of gender-based violence and is unscientific.
“We need to examine the mentality of the applicants. If they are no longer virgins, if they are naughty, it means their mentality is not good.” Indonesian militarry spokesman Fuad Basya to the Guardian.The women who fail the virginity test are not eligible to join the military. Fuad Basya said.
Human Right Watch have urged Indonesia President, Joko Widodo to immediately stop the requirement.
The Human Rights women’s right advocacy, Nisha Varia said that the armed forces should realize the harmful and humiliating test does nothing to strengthen national security.
This is not the first time that the issue of virginity tests has drawn anger in Indonesia. Police have been facing criticism since last year for subjecting women to the checks.
In a report last year, Human Rights Watch highlighted that female police recruits were forced to strip naked before they underwent the virginity test.
Human Rights Watch is lobbying support from the United States, United Kingdom and Australia to pressure Indonesia to cease the virginity tests.

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