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Ghanaian government advised to limit number of children to three per family

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Experts in Ghana’s National Population Council have proposed to the government to limit the number of children to three per family to curb the population fast growth rate, reports Citi FM online.

“The way forward is to have a population policy implemented, the growth rate should be reduced and we have to talk about the quality of life,” Executive Director of the National Population Council, Leticia Adelaide Appiah said.

Ms. Appiah believes the restriction will ensure quality in human resource as well in the West African nation.

The 2016 Population and Housing Census pegged Ghana’s total population at 28.21 million while a United Nations estimates it to be 28.73 million as of August 20, 2017.

Ms. Leticia Appiah said an astronomical growth rate of 2.5 has been maintained in Ghana for the last 30 years, negatively affecting the country’s economy and development.

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