FAO to launch campaign to boost rural youth employment in central Africa

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on Monday announced the launching of a new project aiming to boost youth employment in rural areas in central Africa.
Dubbed “Boosting rural youth employment, a tool to fight against migration in central African region”, the project was announced during a stakeholders workshop organized by FAO in Yaounde, capital city of Cameroon.
“Migration in Africa, especially in central Africa is more a question related with rural employment for youths. We are trying to find solutions in creating better jobs in rural areas,” Athman Mravili, FAO representative in Cameroon told reporters.
“This initiative is one of the ways to better inform young people on the opportunities in rural areas,” Mravili said.
“This campaign will contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in different ways such as alleviating poverty, achieving food security, improving nutrition and most importantly stopping young people from taking unnecessary risks of migrating to urban areas and out of the country for greener pastures,” said Eric Watat, an agricultural expert who will take part in the campaign.
Agricultural experts from eight African countries are expected to take part in the campaign, according to FAO officials.