Convicted terrorist Jermaine Grant receives four-year sentence
A Mombasa court sentenced British terror convict Jermaine Grant a four-year prison sentence for being in possession of bomb-making materials.

Grant was found guilty in April and the court said that the prosecution had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the chemicals the suspect was found with were to be used in making of an explosive for purposes of committing a terrorist act.
Mombasa Chief Magistrate Evans Makori, who delivered the judgment, said the literature found in the accused’s residence together with information extracted from a flash disk, also recovered from him, clearly indicated that the items were to be used to make an explosive.
“There is no doubt Grant was going to prepare explosives for terrorism purposes which would have had a deadly outcome,” the magistrate said in handing down the judgment.
Grant is already serving another nine-year sentence at Shimo la Tewa Prison after he was found guilty of trying to acquire a Kenyan registration by false presence in 2015.