BREAKING: European Union and UK reach Brexit deal
A Brexit deal has been agreed between UK and EU negotiating teams before a meeting of European leaders in Brussels.

European Commission president Jean Claude-Juncker said the two sides had finally reached a “fair and balanced” agreement only hours before the EU leaders’ summit begins in Brussels.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a tweet “We’ve got a great new deal that takes back control.”
However, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) says it still has doubts and won’t support it.
Johnson’s proposals for a new Brexit deal hinged on getting rid of the controversial backstop – the solution negotiated between Theresa May and the EU to solve issues around the Irish border after the UK leaves.
By removing it, he hoped to secure the support of Brexiteers in his own party and the DUP – which could hold the key to getting the numbers for a successful vote in the Commons.
However, it is understood the new plan would see Northern Ireland treated differently from the rest of the UK – something the DUP, among others, has great concerns about.
Mr. Johnson needs to get a deal approved in the Commons by Saturday if he is to avoid asking the EU for an extension to the end of October deadline.