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Albinos in Africa

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In Africa today numerous challenges continually confront millions of people living with albinism first as individuals and as a demographic group within the continent. Across African countries including Nigeria, Albinos are classified amongst the vulnerable groups of society, which includes people living with various kinds of physical disabilities. Malawi police are under orders to shoot anyone attacking albinos in the latest bid to crack down on a rising wave of violence against albinos in East Africa whose body parts are prized in black magic.


We asked on Facebook :

What do you think about this move by the Malawian government ? here are some responds:


Cabdale Xasan Ismaaciil Its good news every body who try to kill innocent people should shoot

Femi Obembe Wonderful,Fantastic,Revolutionary,Long overdue,Commendable!!!!!
Primitive backwardness,inhuman superstitious behavior should be abhored,condemned & snuffed out wherever it manifests here in Africa 1st,& also all over the World!Well done,Government of Malawi,good job!!

Maduako Boniface I think government should device other means instead of the shoot on sight order. But any measure that will deter such inhuman treatment being meted out to albinos will do. I suppose the right to life is guaranteed by the constitution of every nation.

Ozioma Ogbula Orji There are other ways to stop pple from attacking albinos rather than shooting.but why attacking them?They Gods creature too!


Read the full discussion here:

Other Discussion groups have been opened on social media highlighting the plight of the albino in Africa :



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