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Africa Presidents react to Burundi protests

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Burundi has had an impact on the entire region. Neighbouring Rwanda has been especially hard hit, with thousands of Burundian refugees streaming across the border.

CCTV sat down with Rwandan President Paul Kagame about the refugee crisis, and concerns that Burundi’s troubled could spill over into the region. This is what he had to say.

President Jacob Zuma has appointed Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe, as a special envoy to Burundi  and tasked  him with conveying a message to President Nkurunzinza, asking him to step aside from running for a third term as president.

South Africa President Jacob Zuma


Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete called for patience ahead of an extraordinary summit that will tackle the crisis in Burundi next week. Kikwete, who chairs the East African Community (EAC), is expected to receive a report at the summit from a group of Foreign Ministers who visited the country earlier this week.

Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete


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