Ghana sets road map towards December general elections

The Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana has outlined a roadmap towards the December general elections, after a successful voter registration exercise, according to a release posted on its website Friday.
The commission has set Oct. 5 as the date for the presidential and parliamentary candidates to file their nominations.
Before this, the EC will undertake an exhibition of the electoral roll to offer prospective voters the opportunity to cross-check the accuracy of their details captured on the voter register and identity cards.
The EC added that the distribution of the final voters roll to all participating political parties shall take place on Nov. 6.
The 2020 general elections will start on Dec. 1 with special voting for security personnel, media, and officials of other organizations with official duties away from their polling centers on Election Day. The general public will cast their ballots on Dec. 7, with results declared the latest by Dec. 10.
If none of the presidential candidates receives more than 50 percent votes required for winning the election, a round-off will take place on Dec. 28.
The EC is undertaking the cleaning of the electoral register after completing its mass Biometric Voter Registration across Ghana on Sunday last week, with 16,963,306 citizens registered ahead of the general elections