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South Sudan approves committee to oversee building of road linking it to Ethiopia

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South Sudan’s Council of Ministers has approved the use of 900,000 USD to facilitate the implementation of a joint border infrastructure development with Ethiopia, reports Eye Radio.

“The cabinet has approved the establishment of the steering committee that committee will have to work and coordinate with Ethiopian Government and the project will be implemented by the Ethiopian Military Engineering Corp. So a sum of 899, 296 US dollars was approved for this committee so that they can continue to move between here and Ethiopia up to the time when they will be in the position to work out the final mechanism,” Michael Makuei told journalists.

The budget of nearly nine hundred thousand US dollars is to facilitate the working committee to kick off the project between the two countries.

The budget allocation follows the agreement that was signed by the two East African nations to construct two roads through their common borders to link the two nations.

Ethiopia’s Military Engineering Corp will build one of the roads that links Ehtiopia’s Gambella region to South Sudan’s former upper Nile state areas of Mathiang and Paloch.

The other road will join the three areas of Buma, Pibor, and Bor of former Jonglei state, from Jebel-Raad in South Sudan to Dima in Ethiopia,

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