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Former U.S. President George Bush to visit Botswana and Namibia

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The former President of the United States is scheduled to land in Botswana tomorrow for a two day visit, the Namibian reports.

The government of Botswana has said that the Bushes will visit Botswana and Namibia on April 4-6 in a trip that will highlight their work to improve the lives of women there.

Mr. Bush will be in the company of his wife Laura Bush in the visit that is part of the couple’s continued commitment to people of Africa through the work of Dallas-based George W. Bush Institute (GWBI) global leadership programmes.

The former first couple is expected to visit programmes supported by Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos, through her One Economy Foundation, as well as tour health facilities in Windhoek being prepared to be launched by the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon initiative which works to reduce deaths from cervicalcancer & breastcancer.

Their visit will also include the Bush Institute’s First Ladies Initiative, which engages and supports first ladies from around the world to effectively use their unique platforms to advance issues for women and girls according to the Daily News.

The former first couple will focus on how improving the lives of women and girls with access to education, health care, and economic opportunity in Namibia.

According to the press release former US President and Ms Bush will celebrate remarkable progress made over the past two decades to address challenges of disease, poverty and security, and the critical role that US foreign aid has played in delivering life-saving treatment for HIV/AIDS to nearly 12 million people.

While in Botswana, the couple will also visit a clinic providing screening and treatment services for cervical cancer, discuss new technologies for fighting cervical cancer, and visit a school representative of the country’s vaccination programme.

This will be Mr Bush’s seventh and Ms Bush’s sixth visit to the African continent, since their time in the White House. This is their first trip to Namibia and second trip to Botswana after the Presidency.

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