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UN alarmed by escalating ethnic violence in South Sudan

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The United Nations Security Council on Friday Friday “expressed deep alarm over the escalation of ethnic violence in South Sudan,” and “strongly condemned all instances of attacks against civilians, ethnically targeted killings, hate speech, and incitements to violence.”

This was contained in a press statement issued by the 15-nation UN body after it was briefed by the special representative of the UN secretary-general, Ellen Loj, the UN special adviser on the prevention of genocide, Adama Dieng, and the chair of the South Sudan sanctions committee on the current situation in the world’s youngest country.

“The members of the Security Council expressed deep alarm over the escalation of ethnic violence in South Sudan reportedly carried out by the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army), the SPLA in Opposition, as well as militias, and unidentified armed groups,” the statement said.

South Sudan continues to be dodged by violence despite the signing of a peace deal last year.

The fighting has forced thousands of people to flee to neighbouring countries for safety.

A top UN official earlier warned that the country could slide into genocide if an internevtion is not carried out soon.

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