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Kenyans take to social media to demand order in the public transport

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Kenyans have taken to social media to express shock and anger at errant “matatu”(minibus taxi)  drivers after woman narrates her ordeal

The woman; Carol Karimi took to social media Saturday to recount her ordeal in the hands of a “matatu” crew.

Karimi says she boarded a matatu (Minibus taxis) and while reaching her destination she tried to alight only for the driver to stop her while holding a syringe against her rib cage threatening to inject her with a substance she accepts must be dangerous.

On her social media she narrates;

Upon reaching the Kenyatta Hospital stage, Ms Karimi says: “As I start to alight the driver grabs my bag and starts pulling while this guy with a kitambaa on his head *Mukorino and other guys start jamming the doorway pushing me and roughing me up while another drops keys inside my tee to disrupt me”.

“I ignore and tussle with the driver who I notice now is holding a syringe right next to my rib cage. So I thrust the bag at him and hit his nose so hard he bleeds a bit and then elbow the Mukorino guy in the balls and quickly grab my bag and jump off,” she narrates on her social media timeline.

Her story was later picked up by mainstream media hence leading to the arrest of the man who allegedly wanted to drug her. The driver is suspected of being part of a gang drugging and robbing female passengers.

Using the hashtag #StopMatatuMenace , kenyans are demanding for action against the ” matatu” crew and calling for respect for women

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