Algeria’s Bouteflika denounces Paris attacks
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Saturday condemned the Paris attacks branding them a “crime against humanity” and urging international solidarity in the face of extremism.
“This planned horror is a real crime against humanity,” Bouteflika said in a message to French President Francois Hollande.
“Algeria strongly condemns these terrorist crimes, which attest, unfortunately once more, to the fact that terrorism is a cross-border scourge,” he added.
The leader of the former French colony in North Africa said such violence must be confronted through international solidarity “under the aegis of the United Nations”.
Algeria suffered a war in the 1990s between the government and Islamists that killed 200 000 people.
Armed groups remain active in central and eastern Algeria, and the defence ministry says that more than 60 Islamists have been killed this year in clashes with security forces.