Cote D’Ivoire Re-elected President Sworn In
“Our dream of a peaceful Cote D’Ivoire is becoming a reality, the one that the nation’s father, president Felix Houphouet Boigny, passed down to us. Only lasting peace, strong institutions and Ivorians who place national interest above all else will allow our country to irreversibly join the ranks of the great democracies and developed nations.” Said Alassane Ouattara, Cote d’ivoire President
The president said this during his swearing in on Tuesday after a successful run for a second five year term in office. President Ouattara pledged to ensure that all the people of Cote d’ivoire benefit from the revived economy. It was due to the 9 percent economic growth over the last four years in the country that the president was re-elected.
President Outtara in his speech promised to foster reconciliation between the divide due to political and ethnicity in the country. The peaceful October vote showed the democratic growth in the country.