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Sierra Leone’s president extends public emergency to stem spread of Ebola

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Ernest KOROMA.
Sierra Leone`s President Ernest Bai Koroma

Sierra Leone`s President Ernest Bai Koroma has extended a public emergency to stem the spread of the Ebola epidemic despite strong public opposition.

This is the third extension since the epidemic spread into the country from Guinea in March 2014.

The President however lifted a number of restrictions, including a ban on public gatherings which rights groups and civil society say had been abused at the expense of civil liberties.

Stop Ebola sign

While some restrictions have been lifted, the ban on markets and general trading on Sundays remain in force.

According to international health regulations, the World Health Organisation will only declare a country free of an epidemic after recording zero new cases in 42 successive days after the last patient testing negative.

Only Sierra Leone and Guinea are struggling with the disease.

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