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Is Africa winning the war against terrorism?

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The recent attacks across Africa are raising questions as  to why militant  groups are taking the war to the doorstep of African governments in apparent  defiance of declarations of  total war  against their operations.

The Al shabaab have struck in  Northern Kenya yet again even as President Uhuru’s Government  declared its relentless war on the group.

The Boko Haram in Nigeria have apparently defied  tough talk from newly  sworn-in President Buhari  killing hundreds since his inauguration.

The recent attack in  Sinai, Egypt  in which dozens of Egyptian soldiers and reportedly, over a hundred militants were killed yet another  reminder of the militants determination to carry out their brazen attacks.

In the horn of Africa nation of Somalia, the Al-Shabaab  recently  killed at least 70 Burundian troops in an attack on an AMISOM base on the outskirts of  the Capital, Mogadishu.

The emerging pattern is the more the leaders  speak out against the militant groups, the harder the militants strike.

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