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Burundi President Demands Inquiry into Killing of Opposition Leader

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Burundi’s opposition party Union for Peace and Democracy (UPD-Zigamibanga) has urged the government to carry out an independent inquiry into the death of its leader Zed Ferusi who was assassinated on Saturday night near his home in Bujumbura, Media reported on Monday.

Feruzi and one of his bodyguards were shot dead Saturday in the Ngangara district of the capital, Bujumbura, by unknown assailants in a drive-by shooting. Some opposition and civil society groups have blamed Mr. Nkurunziza for Feruzi’s death.But, presidential spokesman Nyamitwe says the president and his ruling CNDD-FDD party are not responsible for the killing.

“He is very concerned by what is happening in the country and he is appealing to the population to remain calm to remain peaceful and to continue campaigning, but respecting other’s lives,” said Nyamitwe. “He is urging all the security forces and the justice to quickly [conduct] the necessary investigation in order to find out what happened and who the killers are in order for them to [face] justice.”

Before his death, Feruzi expressed concern about his safety following recent demonstrations against President Nkurunziza’s decision to seek re-election. At least 20 people have been killed in clashes between protesters and police.

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