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Saudi Arabia Shia mosque attacked by suicide bomber

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A suicide bomber has blown himself up at a Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province.

Reports say 30 peopled are feared dead and several others injured.

One witness told Reuters news agency there was a huge explosion at the Imam Ali mosque in the village of al-Qadeeh.

He estimated there were at least 30 casualties in the attack at the mosque, where more than 150 people were said to be praying.

There has so far been no claim of responsibility for the bombing.

“We were doing the first part of the prayers when we heard the blast,” Kamal Jaafar Hassan, one of the worshipers, told Reuters by telephone from the scene.

Another eyewitness told the Middle East Eye that at least five people have been killed and 20 have been injured.

The Saudi state has confirmed that an explosion took place at a mosque in the east of the country and said more details would be provided later.

Photographs from the scene show bodies strewn across the floor, while emergency vehicles are already at the site of the blat. Inside the mosque, glass has been shattered; pieces of concrete, perhaps from the ceiling, are littered across the floor.

The al-Qadeeh town is home to Saudi Arabia’s Shiite minority, in a country which is predominantly Sunni.

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