Kenyan Students arrested for posting false terror alert
Police in Kenya have arrested two University students for posting alarming terror messages on social media.
This incident happened only two days after an attack on Garissa University in North Eastern Kenya by Al Shabaab Militants. The terrorists killed 148 students in a siege that lasted 12 hours.
The post by the students from Eagerton University in Nakuru Town, in Kenya’s Rift Valley region, instilled fear in other students forcing them to run for their safety to nearing institutions.
Local media sources say the students were interrogated for causing panic.
The students posted the false terror alert message using a fake Facebook account and now police want to find out if they have links to Al Shabaab.
The message which was posted on ‘Egerton Campus Life page’ said, “We are not joking and if you think we are wait for us. Garissa is nothing compared to what will in Egerton University, Allah is to be worship. We have spies and maps of the whole Egerton.”
On interrogation the students told police that they were only doing it for fun.
The students had been using a fake Facebook account to claim there was a planned terror attack at the university.
Most public universities had issued security memos to their students following security alerts that a terrorist attack targeting an institutions of higher learning were imminent.
The universities had informed students and staff of new security measures while cautioning people within their campuses to be extra vigilant.
Several days after the alerts , militants belonging to the Al Shabaab terrorist group attacked the Garissa University killing more than 100 students.