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Is ISIL spreading to Europe?

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General Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan army, warned that Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists running rampant in the North African state are set to infiltrate Europe and expand their reign of terror into the West.

Haftar, who represents the army of Libya’s government that has received international recognition but was driven out of Tripoli by a rival government backed by Islamist militias, demanded the West supply his army with weapons to stave off the expanse of ISIS.

This as European Union leaders are looking to back UN-brokered efforts to form a national unity government in conflict-torn Libya that may include a possible mission to help provide security.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Friday, March 20, that her services are “planning all possible ways of supporting, even on the plan of security, a future national unity government.”

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