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The plight of people living with albinism

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An organization in Malawi has set to campaign for legislation to protect albinos in the country from being harmed or killed.  Working with Albino Association of Malawi and the Malawi Human Rights, the Federation of Disability Association in Malawi (FEDOMA) has written to the government to have a legislation to protect people living with albinism.

Tanzania has also had to deal with the same issue which led to the ban of killing and kidnapping people with albinism. Since then, criminals have moved to Malawi in search of albinos’ body parts.  Their body parts are sol d in traditional rituals which are believed to bring about wealth and power.

Albinism is a group of inherited conditions. People living with albinism are known to have little or no pigment in their skin, hair or eyes.  Albinism occurs in all races and ethnic groups around the world. Most children with albinism are born to parents who have normal hair and eye color for their ethnic backgrounds.


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