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Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has said Africa is the future, and the future starts today during his speech on the 64th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People, on Sunday.
In the speech, the king stressed that those who neglect Africa play down its importance, those who do not care about its causes or engage in influence peddling, that is their problem and theirs alone.
He talked about his country’s return to the African Union, stating that though it is a highly significant event, it is not an end in itself.
“Africa was and always will be a top priority for us. What matters, above all, is the continent’s progress and the services provided to African citizens,” he said.
According to the king, the reintegration into the AU is but the start of a new era of joint action with all African countries in order to build a genuine, solidarity-based partnership, ensure – together – our continent’s development and meet the needs of African citizens.
The king further stated that they are currently in the process of building an Africa that believes in itself, is committed to solidarity and rallies behind concrete projects while being open to its surroundings.
The vision further led the Kingdom to apply officially to join the Economic Commission of West African States.
King expressed gratitude to the leaders of ECOWAS Member Countries for agreeing in principle to Morocco’s request to become a full-fledged member.
Within ECOWAS, the Kingdom of Morocco will seek to lay down the foundations for genuine African integration that serves the continent and fulfils its peoples’ aspirations for development and for a dignified life, in an environment characterized by unity, security and stability
The King reiterated his appreciation to all African countries which stood by Morocco-and even those which did not, saying “I am sure the latter will change their position, once they realise the sincerity of our endeavours.”

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