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Guinean President Alpha Conde has called on African countries to take charge of their destiny amidst global re-alignment; particularly the rise of economic & political insularism. In a wide-ranging interview with CGTN’s Beatrice Marshall at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Conde called on the continent to tap into its youthful demographic dividend and emerging technological potential to catapult it to the next global stage.
The current AU Chairperson also reflected on the engagements of the G20 nations and Africa, emphasizing the need for frankness in global partnerships: ” …they should not impose conditions on African countries that they do not impose on others”, said Conde while referring to international financial institutions and their traditional funding mechanisms.
“We want Africa’s priorities to be defined by Africans”.
The Guinean president also welcomed China’s engagements with Africa saying that, “We need infrastructure on the continent…If China is the one ready to work with us, we will work with them”. He urged African nations to reflect on the China-Africa partnership, and take advantage of the Belt and Road Initiative.
On the African Union, Conde reiterated independence of the continental body primarily through the establishment of an efficient self-funding structure.
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