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Nearly 50,000 children flock the streets of the Senegalese capital, Dakar, each day, to beg passer-by for money for their living.

Most of the child-beggars come from Koranic schools, and are often entrusted to religious men who bizarrely send them out to beg on the streets to pay for their upkeep.

Some of the children face various dangers while on the streets, including the risk of road accidents, rape, molestation, abuse and other sorts of rights’ violations.

To help curb this vice, the Senegal’s government on Wednesday announced a ban on the practice to try and protect these children. The ban was fist initiated in 2005, but never came in to law.

The government is also promising to to launch a campaign to try and stop the practice, ultimately ridding the Dakar streets of the child beggars.

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