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Somaliland youths want US presidential aspirant Donald Trump banned from entering the breakaway state.

The social media-savvy youngsters have waged an online campaign against the Republican, whose anti-Muslims sentiments have angered many.

The youth want the Somaliland government to condemn Mr Trump and refuse him entry into the country for life.

Mr Trump vowed to ban all Muslims from entering the US should he win the presidency.

One of the Somaliland youths’ message reads: “Trump’s call for religion-based discrimination is just the latest example of a fringe, anti-Muslim movement the Republican leaders have spent years to flourish.

“Somalilanders believe in freedom of speech as essential part of democracy, but Trump’s Muslim ban was an exercise in bigotry and hatred, and a big blow to freedom.”

The initiator of the online campaign identifies himself as Ahmed and invites his compatriots to join his crusade.

The youths indicated that Somaliland authorities had banned sheikhs and imams from propagating hate speech.

“This same principle should apply to Donald Trump,” the message insists.

Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia following the collapse of the dictatorial regime of General Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

But the region has failed to win international recognition, despite massive campaigns for the acknowledgement of its self-determination.

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