126 Kenyan teachers barred from teaching over inappropriate behaviour with students

126 teachers in Kenya have been barred from teaching for gross misconduct, most of them for engaging in sexual relations with students among other offenses.
96 of the teachers were found guilty of the offense.
Kenya’s teachers governing body, the Teachers service commission said the teachers will not be allowed near a class for the rest of their lives.
A Child Welfare Society of Kenya has urged the director of public prosecutions to ensure those convicted are imprisoned, to protect other children in future.
The teachers have been struck off the Teachers Service Commission register.
Officials said the cases may not be a reflection of the whole picture of abuses in public schools.
The list is compiled from complaints between 2011 and 2014.
Before this, in 2010, more than 1,000 Kenyan teachers were sacked for sexually abusing girls. Most of those cases occurred in rural primary schools.
This ban is a departure from previous reactions to sexual abuse by teachers, says the Kenyan newspaper the Daily Nation, as it says previously the TSC just transferred suspended teachers.
The names of the teachers who have been struck off the TSC register were published in a notice released last month.
They had been found guilty of gross misconduct, according to the notice signed by a Ms Nancy Macharia for Mr Lengoiboni.
The notice said the TSC received complaints between 2011 and 2014, carried out investigations and made decisions between August 2011 and February this year.
It warned the public against enlisting the services of the de-listed individuals, saying those who would do so would be risking a fine of up to Sh500,000 or jail terms of up to six months.